Monday, April 30, 2012

Pinterest Outperforms Twitter, Facebook For Purchase Power

The Marketer’s Guide To Social Media

How Does Social Media Affect Website Search Rankings?

So how did social media influence the search results?

Overall, the websites’ search rankings changed by between a fall of 1.22 to a rise of 14.63. This shows that social media does indeed affect search results.

Google’s own properties yielded the best results by far (let the conspiracy theories commence…). The website that was linked to a Google+ business page saw a full 14.63 rise in its search position, while the website that had a Google+ +1 button rose 9.44.

And these stellar results, sadly, did not translate to Twitter. Targeting tweets and retweets only got the website a 2.88 rise in Google’s search results, and procuring 1,000 additional Twitter followers actually caused another site’s position to fall by 1.22.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Employers Favour Facebook, LinkedIn Over Twitter For Sourcing Job Candidates

61% Of Parents Log Onto Kids’ Facebook Accounts


  • 61 percent of U.S. parents admitted to logging into their teenager’s Facebook account without letting the kids know;
  • 20 percent of the parents said they’ve encountered explicit messages in their kids’ accounts;
  • 72 percent say they’ve befriended their teen on Facebook to monitor behavior;
  • 20 percent suspect their children are accessing pornography or illegal music downloads;
  • 20 percent suspect their teens of “sexting,” sending nude images of themselves to others;
  • 20 percent of American parents also suspect their teens of “sexting” via their mobile phones; and
  • 80 percent of parents believe their teens befriend people online who they’ve never met in person.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How Social Media Is Replacing Traditional Journalism As A News Source

Indeed, according to recent data, newspapers have just a single percentage point lead on social media as a source of reportage, with Facebook (59.5 percent), Twitter (19.9 percent) and YouTube (12.7 percent) leading the charge. Since 2009, traffic to news sites from social media channels has increased dramatically, and some 57 percent of adults who consume news via a digital device predominately use Facebook and Twitter.

58% Of Fortune 500 Have Corporate Facebook Pages

Leverage yourself as an expert by using Social Media

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How Are Marketers Using Social Media In 2012?

Using data taken from Social Media Examiner’s latest Social Media Marketing Industry Report, which surveyed over 3,800 marketers on how they’re using social media in 2012, World View Editing have produced this infographic, which includes the following key takeways:

  • 83 percent of marketers say that social media is important for their business
  • 40 percent of marketers want to know how to measure social media ROI
  • 30 percent of businesses are outsourcing some portion of their social media marketing (up from 28 percent in 2011)
  • More than half of all marketers spend 6 hours or more each week using social media, while a third invest 11 or more hours
  • While 70 percent of marketers are looking to learn more about Google+, the top three social networks at the moment are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, in that order

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Your Facebook Data Is Worth $118.34

The social data of Facebook users is worth $118.34 apiece, and it takes an average of 402.3 Facebook shares to earn $10 in revenue, according to a new study from online backup service Backupify.

Monday, April 2, 2012

google+ & Facebook: tale of the tape

Facebook Posts Spur Online Shopping

Social shopping firm Sociable Labs culled those numbers from a study of 1,088 online shoppers. Other findings include:

  • 81 percent of consumers who purchase products they learn about through social sharing are valuable social sharers themselves;
  • 32 percent of visitors are more likely to shop on sites that display activities of previous shoppers, friends or not, and when friends’ shopping behavior is incorporated, that total jumps to 62 percent; and
  • 57 percent of shoppers are more likely to complete purchases on sites that display their friends’ shopping activity.
